Why “Disruptor”, “Early-Adopter”, and “Innovator” relates more than ever to “Human Rights Advocate”.

“Right-to-Repair” is more important than the rumored features on your next device.
If you are claiming that you or your company is a “disruptor”, an “early-adopter”, or “innovating”…
Then “Right-to-Repair” needs to be top-of-mind when resolving personal and business hardware technology requirements.
“The right to repair electronics refers to government legislation that is intended to allow consumers the ability to repair and modify their own consumer electronic devices, where otherwise the manufacturer of such devices require the consumer to use only their offered services (Wikipedia).”
For many years, I have known Louis Rossmann to be one of the biggest public advocates of Right-to-Repair. So I am all too happy to include his recent speech from YouTube. His action inspired myself to share my personal views on the subject across social media to inspire others:
On a side note relating to Artificial Intelligence
I have personally experienced no less than five disturbing Artificial Intelligence errors from five internationally-recognized suppliers over the previous 30 days.
The most offensive element of these interactions with these “premium software solutions” was the human interaction following those errors which all oddly failed to recognize the losses incurred nor respect the paying, human user.
What’s next for early-adopters?
As an “early-adopter” for over two decades in more technology segments than I can count, it is presently more important to protect the regulatory evolution of the mass consumer market than to worry about what I am adopting next.
Educate, disrupt, and innovate
If you are truly a disruptor that is concerned with innovation, then please make the effort to educate others and connect with your local and state leaders and representatives on these matters.
Please share this story and start writing yourself! Your actions and your voice truly matters.
Resources to impact legislation
United States Government Information and Services
United States Senate
United States House of Representatives
United States Department of Justice
The White House
Organizations that matter
If you desire getting involved supporting organizations that are on the front-line supporting your rights, check out these resources and follow them on social media:
Right to Repair, Repair Coalition
Electronic Frontier Foundation
U.S. PIRG, Advocate for the Public Interest