You’re not smart, neither is the Artificial Intelligence you just programmed.

Preface and disclaimer
This is a personal opinion piece. This is a reflection of knowledge that I have passively and actively attained over recent years of experience and research along with very recent personal experiences.
I am not a human rights nor a licensed legal advisor. This piece is not one that constitutes advice, it is merely entertainment, at-best.
As an early adopter, I have been assaulted by Artificial Intelligence (AI) protocols more times than I can count over the previous 15 years.
I would rank the Public Education system that I have experienced across-three states as a close-second to shutting down creative and personal freedoms (I could write a saga on first-hand Public Education failures), but AI has to take the cake.
Thus far, I have been negatively impacted by AI significantly without warrant in respect to topics relating to engineering, fiscal, health, legal, and safety concerns. Talk about stress, talk about losses — and talk about a significant lacking of Justice.
Life really can suck if AI believes that you did something wrong when you did not break any Agreement or law.
This topic is only going to get louder and louder within the public arena as personal freedoms are squandered for power benefits and private profits or the very poor excuse of the common good. Because what’s not good about the common good?
And this issue is seemingly increasing more and more in recent years. There is a clear pattern emerging that everyone should heed. Given that this phenomenon is accelerating, it is past the time to begin speaking-out.
AI technology is not a magic wand, it is merely a distorted magnifying glass
AI does not magically solve problems. In many ways it is a form of magic —a tool of deception.
AI at best, presently magnifies both the good and the bad that is innately a present and everlasting condition of the Human experience. Being Human is beautiful and this experience should be protected and enhanced, not restricted nor penalized, especially without warrant.
Yes, AI may provide actionable insight for a human to perform an action or a judgement, however — AI programming should rightly never act nor judge without human controls or safeguards present, especially within regards to life-forms, including but not limited to humans.
AI is likely already screwing up your life
I have personally experienced no less than five disturbing AI-related errors from five major, leading and internationally-recognized suppliers over the previous 30 days.
The most offensive element of these interactions with these “premium software solutions” was the human interaction following those errors which all oddly failed to recognize the losses incurred nor respect the paying, human user.
AI will likely screw up your life even more
AI can certainly and exponentially increase any problem they were programmed to resolve.
AI has been targeting crime areas, targeting activists, and monitoring public and private spaces near you with and without your consent, mostly unknowingly to you or your community at-large.
Even if you do not consent and can prove damages against AI systems, good luck convincing others that are ignorant to these issues or paying for the legal bills. And of course those lawyers and lobbyists; they will ruin you or die trying.
AI utilizes all sorts of methods to corrupt and disturb your activities
These “Advanced” AI systems utilize audio, video, thermal, and even robotic-machine form to semi-autonomously and sometimes autonomously engage and disturb human activities.
These activities would include those as previously mentioned above that concern finance, health and safety, and legal proceedings. Technology is wonderful, isn’t it?
Most AI problems could be resolved by human intelligence, like duh
Apart from targeting crime areas, AI is actively filling-in for human court judgements that are heavily burdened by failed American traffic engineering regimes. AI systems can even find you the perfect prison to spend the rest of your days; how convenient!
Does this truly resolve anything?
No, of course not.
These “solutions” are bandages… the cheap kind that are overpriced yet leave a long and sticky residue on your skin when removed.
These bandages merely accelerate the funding by which provides local agencies with faster police interceptors and more expensive ambulances.
They, or as in you and your educated actions and votes (you have to do more than just vote to resolve these rather obscured actions and issues), could easily resolve transportation-related injuries and deaths at their root-cause; the dumb, underfunded, and outdated engineering…. not to mention the under-regulated automobile industry.
Tin-cans on wheels, yes — the thing you just drove your entire life around today in; those things.
AI systems can autonomously kill you in battle; thankfully there is a restriction on that for now
Like all of the other failures of human society that excuse expensive, redundant, and ignorant AI systems to resolve issues, these failures and their subsequent excuses and strategic resolve to eliminating liabilities from powers of private and public hands will likely find their ways into other industries built-on human destruction.
Oh wait, they already have. Whether here or abroad — AI is out there, arming itself… with the ignorance of greedy engineers and desperate powers.
Hence warfare and AI is likely to continue in greater harmony despite its displayed implications to humans over the past decades within the private and public sectors.
Just on the topic of remote and semi-autonomous aircraft, we already had a major problem deciding which U.S. government agency should execute drone-strikes even when there was already a law dictating what to do.
Do we need AI to solve this problem too?
Spoiler Alert — No!
What about the Diaper-Change problem?
If we are going to resolve a burdened justice system, poor engineering, and military action with AI, maybe we can start resolving diaper-changes with AI first since this remains a priority problem before the other two became a thing.
Further on the diaper conundrum, we could also utilize organic cotton diapers or other forms of baby solutions as we have had for thousands of years. Yet, instead we choose to pick-up overpriced plastic by which we polute and incur further excuses to utilize AI.
Oh, jeez the degree of irony by which irony itself was termed. Irony is a tool, you see.
Do we need AI to help us choose our diaper material?
Spoiler Alert — NO!
But what about the Trolley-Problem
It should not even be considered given our general depth of ignorance on so many topics that AI is presented to resolve.
Transportation for instance is one of the finest examples of just how stupid we are— we are super stupid when it comes to anything related to the automobile, and there is a mountain of data to judge that we are.
There’s a reason why we have no American drivers in Formula 1; even American teams supporting French drivers have told us that we are stupid, incapable of driving Formula 1 machines.
Engineers and legislators should erase the Trolley Problem from the blackboard and think about diapers first.
Problem solved. If you’re trying to solve the Trolley Problem, work on that diaper one first. It will likely make you richer and more famous anyhow.
AI is not new, it may be trending — but it should not be a priority, by-far
In-short, AI including semi-autonomous systems should never act on judgement with any implication to humanity. Furthermore, humans should maintain a right-to-free speech even beyond the political scope.
Why, you ask? Our societies should be founded and progressed in a manner that naturally resolves cultural phenomena. Therefore, our legal institutes nor the Agreements that privately dictate Terms of Service should have any say in what Humans can say to one another. It sucks sometimes, for now, yes.
Yet apparently — we need AI to resolve this problem for us too.
Reinforcing kindness with kindness is cheap and quite frankly, better
Bottom-line; we should be programming our society through kind words and actions which are gradually reinforced over generations, not relying on programmed AI constructed on our ill-biases nor their natural biases to resolve our issues at-hand.
As of now — Time progresses, machines do not
This discussion of the natural over the artificial raises an extremely strong point relevant now, previously, and well likely forever ahead — humans possess a very natural connection to Time, something machines may never truly percept nor understand at least not now.
The topic of time is still one of exploration as many things remain so. And frustratingly so, when we program AI and build definitions that enclose meanings permanently and trade them for profit or justice or anything but the human experience, we are inherently programming our future hundreds of years from now out of our hands in this very moment.
You do not have to look further than this very platform to realize AI and everyday Terms of Service Agreements have a huge power of you today and tomorrow.
Maybe we can re-write the Constitution using AI since they know so much about us?
Spoiler Alert — Do not be surprised considering how much we are handing-over to the same type of engineers that cannot even figure out how to save lives on a two-lane road.
I guess the only benefit to all of this is AI talk is faster police interceptors and more expensive ambulances… and those diapers will remain plastic and stinky for centuries to come.
Thank you and good day
I wish that this article was as thought-provoking as it was entertaining.
If you are concerned on this topic; there is much to dive-into across all private, local, federal, and state categories.
When available, please take a moment in relation to Artificial Intelligence to discover what matters most to you, your family, and your community and get writing to your local, state, and federal officials.